Organizational Chart Examples and Templates

Organizational Chart Examples and Templates
January 20, 2022

Organizational Chart Examples

Organizational Chart Examples when we suppose of organizational maps, what frequently comes to mind is the top-down, aggregate-suchlike organizational map of large companies.

Of course, that’s just one of numerous types of business organizational maps that live moment across associations big and small. Indeed when associations partake business models, diligence, and sizes – their organizational maps can greatly differ.

That’s because a structure that works for one association may not work for another. What’s more, organizational maps are used to make a statement, through design, on the association’s beliefs, values, culture, and doctrines.

So which organizational map design stylish represents your brand and association? That’s what we ’ll figure out moment.

I ’m going to break down what business organizational maps are each about, share plenitude of neat exemplifications (and stupendous templates) along the way, and show you how to design your own.

Organizational Chart Examples and Templates

What’s an organizational map?

Organizational Chart Examples organizational map is a visual map that represents the structure of a company. It highlights how brigades and departments are organized, the reporting connections across the association, and every existent’s part and liabilities.

An organizational map helps implicit investors/ shareholders understand who’s steering the boat. At a regard, they can see who makes up the leadership platoon and the gift, skill and experience powering your association. It’s one way to assure stakeholders that the business is in good hands.

An organizational map helps the entire association understand the chain of command. From process flows, blessing flows, and other types of opinions, a business organizational map helps everyone understand the processes ( really, the sense) behind them. Organizational Chart Examples clear organizational map belongs to every hand onboarding process.

An association map template helps new hires get to know fellow workers. They learn who owns which areas, who the elderly staff members are, Organizational Chart Examples and the types of departments that live within the association. More importantly, they understand how their own part fits into the current organizational structure.

An organizational map helps people understand how changes within a company impact them. As associations grow or reduce, people are promoted, moved to different brigades/ departments, or asked to report to new directors, and so on. A business organizational map reflects these changes in leadership, platoon liabilities, and who everyone reports to.

An organizational map is a great way to communicate your brand. Organizational maps moment are designed to demonstrate an association’s values and doctrines. The association’s station on scale, collaboration, inclusivity, and other generalities are imaged.

Do small businesses need organizational maps?

The short answer is yes, absolutely. Organizational Chart Examples associations are just getting started, or fairly small, there’s a tendency to partake the cargo across platoon members. Still, it can lead to a lack of clarity about who owns what areas, what everyone’s individual liabilities are, and how to measure individual performance.

In small associations, a defined commercial structure map highlights everyone’s crucial liabilities, holds them responsible, and allows them to manage their workload without burning out.

What are the different types of organizational maps?

Vertical organizational map (hierarchical association map)

Vertical organizational map ( flat organizational map)

Matrix organizational map

Creative organizational map

Organizational Chart Examples and Templates

Vertical organizational map exemplifications and templates

The perpendicular organizational map template, Organizational Chart Examples or hierarchical map, is the traditional organizational map we see in numerous associations. The layout positions the CEO at the veritably top, with her direct reports below her, their reports below them, and so on.

The thing of a perpendicular organizational map is to present the reporting connections between workers.

Commercial perpendicular organizational map template

This perpendicular organizational map is helpful for workers to understand who they report to, who their peers report to, and the types of liabilities every existent carries.

Although the layout itself is minimalist, Organizational Chart Examples the shapes and colors bring life to the design. It looks professional, incorporates ingrained design, and provides commodity a bit more engaging for workers.

You can also use illustrated icons to separate between departmental organizational map designs. That can help new hires and directors likewise understand right down what they ’re looking at.

For a further ultramodern look and feel, take a look at this alternate take on a healthcare organizational map template. It incorporates a digitized background design and a flat color palette.

Simple perpendicular organizational map template

When designing your own perpendicular organizational map, Organizational Chart Examples the key is to group together workers who report to the same director/ superintendent.


It’s up to you how you fantasize those connections. You can use lines and bumps for a typical layout. Or like this perpendicular organizational map template, you can use a legend and a varied color palette to indicate the reporting structure.

An organizational map can also be further than a breakdown of reporting connections. This organizational map includes contact information for individual staff. This is especially helpful for new workers or when communicating across departments.

Bold perpendicular association map template

Make a statement with a bold, indirect commercial structure map, like the below template.

This is a memorable way to show the connections between departments and platoon members, and it makes a statement.

Still, you can customize the template with your brand colors rather, If your brand does n’t use similar bold colors.

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